Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Hello 7850...

Hello Rotarians!

I have been posting blogs about culture and life in Africa, but I would like to speak more specifically about Rotary this time.
Since I arrived a few weeks ago I have attended several meetings (or as they are called in Uganda; fellowships) I attended three Rotary and one Rotaract meeting, an induction ceremony for five new Rotarians, a membership training seminar, and a thank-you cocktail for a group of Indian Doctors that volunteered in the North of Uganda at a one week health clinic.

Uganda is part of district 9200, which includes Uganda, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Eritrea. The capital of Uganda is called Kampala. In the capital city there is a population of around one million, which includes 25 Rotary clubs with 532 Rotarians.
The entire district has 108 clubs with a total of 3065 members!

From what I have experienced so far Ugandan Rotarians are passionate about Rotary and the recruitment of new members. There have been numerous times already in my stay here that recruitment is pushed; guest speakers at meetings, short announcements at meetings, and half day seminar (open to all clubs).

Each Rotary clubs in Kampala has numerous activities organized. The club that hosts me, Rotary club of Kampala North, has organized a health clinic in Gulu (a city that is home to many international relief organizations, internally displaced people and refugees from the conflict areas on the borders of the Congo and Sudan). Nine surgeons (gynecologist, urologist, general surgeon, plastic surgeon, optometrists) have arrived from India, teamed with 120+ local health workers with provide free health care to the people living in IDP camps (camps for internally displaced people). A blood donation clinic was held a week before and 135 units of blood were also donated to the effort. NOW! My host “Tusu” shares a lot in common with Dr. Pomerleau and watches out for me!! The health camp started the same day as my classes, so I didn’t attend. It wouldn’t be a good idea to get behind the first week.


From what I have seen so far, a meeting begins with the introduction of visiting members and guests. Guests are numerous and this process takes a bit of time! Next, we move onto announcements and then the guest speaker. From the meetings I have attended the members drink tea, coffee, or a soda, but there are no meals. AND…. the sergeant of arms wears a very interesting looking hat!

I hope all is going well and there will be more updates as I get more settled here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I kept waiting for the part about the bugging eating your foot.