Thursday, April 26, 2007

Final THREE...TROIS...SAN...3-3-3

Oh la la…
I have 3 days of school left☺ I am SO happy…yet nervous…yet anxious…I’m going to have my BACHELORS☺YIPEE YIPEE

Next Friday (May 4th) I take off to Pittsburgh, PA where I will attend my outbound training for Rotary. We are going to learn what it’s like to live in a different country! (Chuckle)

Right now I am in the middle of final projects and allergy season. (It is absolutely beautiful here this time of the year; the dogwoods and cherry trees are all in full bloom)

Tomorrow I am presenting my project for my environmental ethics class. I get to talk about what it was like to be a vegetarian for a month. I am going to pass out vegetarian recipes and take in snacks for everyone to try☺

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Sad, Confused, and Speechless.

The last few days I have not been myself. I have a lot of thing running though my mind and I just can't seem to turn any of it off. On Monday morning on my way to school I heard the news of the first shootings at Virginia Tech. It wasn't until a few hours later that I learned of the second shooting. I spoke to many of my friends because I just could NOT comprehend how this "person" could kill two people in their rooms and then hours later proceed to another building to shoot and kill 32 more. I kept asking the same question to everyone "What was he doing for those 2+ hours in between the shootings?" I have avoided the news as much as possible because it saddens me to hear the reporters "guessing". I only want to know the hard facts...what did happen. NOT what they THINK happened. Finally, this evening my question was answered. This "person" went back to his room and took pictures of himself with guns, knives, and a hammer. Then made a DVD and blamed the world for the death of these students, wrote letters, and then MAILED the package to NBC NEWS. What kind of "person" does this? Why would a student be allowed to purchase weapons at a pawnshop across the street from school? WHY WHY WHY is there a store selling weapons near a campus? I just don't get it.

My heart goes out to everyone affected by this tragedy...nothing can be said to make anyone feel better. I hope this catalyzes government action on violence and gun control. I mean blind must people be?

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

M.A.D.E. (Making a Difference Everyday)

Last night my community service club held its last event with me as the President:( We had members from M.A.D.E and the Black student league help out. It was a lot of fun. We snacked on pizza and other goodies and made Blankets to support Project Linus-an organization that donates blankets to children living with cancer in local area hospitals.
We ended up making 6 large blankets (3 for boys and 3 for girls).
I enjoyed my four terms as President and I hope that my club is able to continue for years to come; serving and Making a Difference to those in the local area.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Beautifully said...

Happy Sunday and April fools!

I am sitting here working on my homework for my online civic and community engagement course. I came across something very powerful. The website is dedicated to writing and bringing awareness about economic action. There vision is this:

"We work for a world where all people have enough, where all communities are healthy and safe, and where the bounty of the Earth is preserved for all the generations to come."

I am speechless.