Monday, September 10, 2007

I'm in my new apartment...

Hi Everyone.
Well on Saturday evening I moved into my African apartment. It feels like this journey has now begun. My apartment is so empty…I have spent so much money already and there is nothing really to show for it. I am very surprised how Rotary International expects those of us who relocate to developing countries. I have purchased some dishes, a toaster oven, an electric kettle, and a slow cooker. I do not have a refrigerator, nor do I have hot water. I am living on a monthly allowance and Rotary does not allow for “furniture” allowance. I feel a little bothered by this because those of us who have chose developing countries are not treated the same by Rotary International as those who have taken the “safer” route by relocating to developing countries. There isn’t any doubt that those scholars who have moved to England, Canada, U.S.A., Australia, etc…have any problem cooking food or taking a warm shower.
In Uganda they do now have enough electric power to supply the whole country (or perhaps its only Kampala-and not enough supply for the capital), so they cut everyone’s power off for a few hours a day. I can deal with that…but apparently the costs of electricity are expensive…so I am scared to boil water for my tea in fear that my bill at the end of the month is enormous. Because Rotary International only gives us our money in portions I have nearly exhausted my allowance (rent, tuition, board, etc…) and it’s only the middle of September and I still do not even have a stovetop to cook food on. I know this might sound like complaining, but the other two Rotary Scholars that are here with me are both having problems also. We all feel that an “Ambassadorial Scholar-regardless of the country we chose, should be treated the same and have access to the same funds. I do believe that a MAJOR problem is the misconception or belief that Africa is cheap…BELIEVE ME…IT IS NOT.

I do not need to live in 5 star facilities…but being able to cook myself dinner and wash the 2 pounds of dirt that accumulate on my skin while walking outside WITH WARM/HOT water, is in my opinion, necessary.


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely right. There needs to be something done to make things a bit more equal. Maybe you should do a spread sheet of expenses ect and send it in at the end of each month to show how expensive it does get. Keep smiling hun..things will get better.


Anonymous said...

yo jenny its lin i
LOVE th epic of u josh ans spices. oh ya what happend to spises any way?? well love u and miss u LinLin BO Bin

Anonymous said...

Jenny, why don't you come over to my place for a hot meal and a hot shower? You can even do some laundry while you're at it.
